Benefits of Piper Nigum or Black Pepper (Kali mirch) – Weisheithome
Posted in Benefits of Herbs

1. Reduces blood pressure

Piper Nigum is an effective element to control blood pressure

2. Helps treat Diabetes

The beneficial antioxidants in Piper Nigrum might help stabilize blood sugar levels. They regulate hyperglycemia, thereby aiding in diabetes treatment.

3. Treats Macular degeneration

Macular degeneration is a disease of the eye. In this condition, the ocular cells degenerate, which results in blurred vision and cause blindness as
well. This is an age-related illness and Piper Nigrum is beneficial for reducing the risk of developing macular degeneration.

4. Cures Gastro-intestinal disorders

Piper Nigrum has a bacteriostatic effect on the cornebacterium tuberculosis and E. coli thus helpful in gastro-intestinal disorders such as gastritis, chronic diarrhea and liver disorder

5. Helps quit smoking

Piper Nigrum can also help in reducing the smoking withdrawal symptoms.

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