Benefits of Tinospora Cardifolia or Giloy – Weisheithome
Posted in Benefits of Herbs

1. Helps fight Dengue fever

The tinospora cardifolia is useful for curing Dengue fever as it helps in increasing the platelet count.

2. Full of immunogenic properties

Tinosporacardifolia is great for the immune system. It helps cure infectious diseases of bones, lungs, intestines, blood disorders, intermittent fever and dysfunction of the liver.

3. Enhances brain health

Tinosporacardifolia It has great effects on brain health. It can also delay brain aging and prevents Alzheimer’s.

4. Increase platelet count

Tinosporacardifolia is proven to increase the platelet count, thus help in treating dengue fever.

5. Improve immunity

TinosporaCardifolia consumption has been linked to increase in immunity of the body. Antioxidants present in it help boost immunity of patients.

6. Stress management

The aqueous, alcoholic, acetone and petroleum ether extracts of the stem of tinospora cardifolia capsule have shown anti-stress activity.

7. Helps cures Malaria

Malaria is often associated with a rather deceased platelet count, a
condition known as thrombo cytopenia in medical terms. Tinospora Cardifolia provide a quick, natural cure for Malaria.

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